Friday, April 19, 2013


Change is something that comes to us all, whether we want it or not it knocks at your door and invites itself in like a bad in-law.  With it comes stress and uncertainty - and usually a large lack of funds.  But given the right determination and some fancy footwork in the checkbooks usually things can work out for the better.

Well this year I've found myself starting a new life after surgery, finding myself a relationship worth pursuing and filled with ideas and plans for the future.  As the days move on and money issues reach their tipping point it will be interesting to see if things work out and we can move forward or if they crumble around us and we have to stumble about trying to pick up the pieces.

Thus far, thanks to a bit of generosity from my family in my direction for once things are doing good.  If we can make it through this transition and bring to fruition base level plans and events - this could very well be the year that I reach the edge of another one of my life long dreams.

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